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Today’s Best Spam

less than 1 minute read

These spammers are ahead of my entire organization in attempting to protect my brand! I’ll definitely send this to my CEO.

CODE: jQuery’s :contains and White Space

1 minute read

Over the weekend I ran into one of those situations where it felt like I had found a bug in a very commonly used portion of a very commonly used piece of so...


less than 1 minute read

Interesting how Amazon prioritizes use experience. Of course they want to make it easy to shop, right? I can buy something via 1-click without having to ...

Air Quality Egg Helper Browser Extension

1 minute read

I picked up a couple of Air Quality Eggs through Kickstarter. They're neat gadgets that can be equipped with a variety of sensors to monitor the air.

Pill Pockets

1 minute read

Now that our cats are becoming elderly, they need some kitty meds. Nothing too serious, but some daily pills, probably more to come.

Down One Cat

1 minute read

Temporarily. Zooty and Rebo are 15 years old now and are starting to show some wear and tear. Rebo is recently on blood pressure medication (older kidne...

Happy 100th, Julia Child

1 minute read

I have two favorite memories of Julia Child, neither of which involves Saturday Night Live.