Getting Started with an ESP32
ESP32 breakout board - Sparkfun ESP32 Thing Plus
Adafruit BME280 - temperature, humidity, air pressure sensor
Adafruit 0.96” 128x64 SSD1306 OLED display
Each page has tutorials about how to use the device.
You’ll want to install the Arduino IDE - it’s the easiest way to get coding with these boards.
Arduino IDE needs definitions for the ESP32 installed to make it work with it.
The Qwiic/StemmaQT connector that lets you connect the boards easily connects an interface called “I2C” (ther’es a TON of information on the Wikipedia page, way more than you need to know, don’t get buried in it). I2C has power and ground lines plus a “clock” and data line. Sparkfun did the intiial version and called it Qwiic, Adafruit had a version with a bigger connector called Stemma… they adopted Sparkfun’s smaller connector and called it “StemmaQT” - the difference in names is just a branding thing; they’re totally compatible. You can find the clock pin on the ESP32 board marked “SCL” and the data pin marked “SDA”.
There are many, many ESP32 boards on the market. They’re mostly similar. The pins on the boards may be in different locations (like SDA and SCL wont’ always be in the same place on different boards but they’re still the same function. Most tutorials will still apply if the board has similar hardware. Beware that the ESP32, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3 are different processors so there are more differences between boards with different processors. The Sparkfun board is ESP32.