Futurama: Bender’s Game

1 minute read

“Futurama” unfortunately never got the love that “The Simpsons” gets, but I’m still grateful for the fact that Fox gave the show another chance in the form of four direct-to-DVD releases (“Futurama - Bender’s Big Score”, “Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs”, “Futurama: Bender’s Game”, and the forth-coming “Into the Wild Green Yonder”).

All I really know about “Bender’s Game” is that it involves D&D, robots and Leela as a centaur. It being “Futurama” was enough to know that I wanted to see it; that’s all icing on the cake. All three DVDs are available on Amazon (look at the links above if you want to find them there). There’s even a Blu-ray version of “Bender’s Game”, which seems a bit pointless (is the animation really detailed enough to look stunning in HD?).

I’m excited to see the traditional system of studios depending on television networks for distribution changing, and I’m very interested in seeing more productions get into the hands of consumers through alternate channels, whether the channel be DVD, iTunes, satellite or some other distribution media. Having more ways to get to media means that we have more choices, and that things that may not have made sense to a television network given its ad-supported revenue model and limited competitive programming slots, may have another chance at life.

You can also get them via Netflix. I decided to buy them because I want to vote for more Futurama on DVD. Word is that sales have been good and it’s likely that the studio will probably order four more DVDs next year. I’m happy to support that with a few dollars going to buy DVDs.

Add “Futurama: Bender’s Big Score” to your Netflix queue

Add “Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs” to your Netflix queue

Add “Futurama: Bender’s Game” to your Netflix queue

You can also check out the trailer for “Bender’s Game” on YouTube:
